Sometimes We Just Need a Bit of Guidance

The virtual guided walk-through of The Big BAM Process is perfect for those who have a vision, but don't know how to articulate the right words. They need that one-on-one interaction for extracting the right message and bringing all the pieces together to align as a whole.

The Big BAM Process - Virtual Guided

What this version of our brand strategy framework will give you:

  • A repeatable & scalable framework

  • A certified BAM(Brand Alignment Mentor) Strategist accompanying you every step of the way to make sure you fully understand each question and the purpose behind your answers.

  • Create a message that resonates with what really matters to your aligned clientele

  • Articulate your brand's vision and bring it into reality

  • Find the right words to articulate who you really are as a brand.

  • Confidence and clarity around your brand

  • 90-day actionable strategy to start creating stronger cashflow

The Bundle Includes:

Everything you will get when your purchase this process.

  • 4+ hours of live, virtual training and support

  • A recording of the session that you can go back to as many times as necessary as you continue to work through this process.

  • Access to our BAMFam Community for extra support and a dedicated space if you get stuck or want a second opinion.

  • The Big BAM Process Workbook - Digital (2nd Edition)

  • The Archetype Alignment Guide - Digital

  • BAMshot - The BAMshot is a snapshot of all the work you did during The Big BAM Process that states how to position yourself in your aligned marketplace. Think of this as a brand blueprint that ensures alignment & focus. For the virtual guided process, we review it with you and make any corrections plus we transcribe your answers (if legible).

  • BONUS: The Big BAM Process self-guided Bundle with one year access to encourage you to repeat this process once a year.

Pricing options

  • Certified BAM Strategist: Work with one of our Certified BAM Brand Strategists.

  • Founder Edition Work with the founder of this process, Joel Kelly.

What THEY say about BAM

"Halfway through the workbook, my lights were on! The questions are thought-provoking and some are uncomfortable."

Jeff Humphreys - Shortline Creative & Calgary Sessions

"We were stuck, and the process helped us move forward."

Crystal Taylor - Holden & Taylor

"It was valuable time and well worth the energy to go through it."

Michael Edworthy - Hank's Plumbing & Gasfitting

"I am already seeing an increase in billings from the kind of clients I've wanted to work with for years."

David T. Pennington - OutWord

"It would save them a fortune and remove untold hours of frustration."

Darlene Hull - Certified BAM Strategist & Business Coach

"From part time 20k a year to 90k per year with 55% profit margin."

Britton Ledingham - iEvolve Media


  • How long does the session last?

    It's typically 4-5 hours, but it may go longer than that, and you need to book the entire day off for this process.

  • What should I do in advance to prepare for our session?

    Three days to a day before you should look over your workbook and get familiar with it. You can even attempt it on your own if you would like, but it's important that you get a good night's rest and eat well. This is a cognitively intense process.

  • How many sessions does it take to complete this process?

    One session to walk through The Big BAM Process, and another session to review the BAMshot. Two in total.

  • Do I need to use a pen/pencil and paper during this process?

    Yes, your muscle memory engages when you text or type. It almost becomes a conditional response. When you write out on paper or digitally with a pen or pencil it taps into the unconscious parts of your brain and extracts what may be hidden. We have seen this happen countless times and it's a necessary step in our process.

  • How fast can I get results after this process?

    It takes us about a week to get results back to clients, but that time may vary depending on the individual, the legibility of their handwriting, and the clarity and alignment of their answers. The more you do the deep work towards clarity and alignment the quicker we can get results back to you.

  • What kind of support do I get during this process?

    You get one-on-one full attention and support throughout our session.

    We also have a designated community called the BAMFam that is included with all course purchases. Each has its own space to ask questions and engage with those in that space. If you need additional support we have certified BAM strategists who can assist you, but there may be a fee involved for consulting.

  • How long will I have access to this self-guided process included in this virtual guided package?

    One-year access with support is included, and you can have access to your course indefinitely. However, you won't be eligible for content updates and improvements or dedicated space in our community supported once that year is up.

  • How often should I repeat The Big BAM Process?

    We would recommend at least once a year or when you are making critical decisions for your organization. We go through this process ourselves once a year in or near August.

  • What is the BAMshot?

    The BAMshot is a snapshot of all the work you did during The Big BAM Process that states how to position yourself in your aligned marketplace. Think of this as a brand blueprint that ensures alignment & focus.

    For the virtual guided process, we review it with you and make any corrections plus we transcribe your answers (if legible).